Sophia Australis
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Choreocosmos Workshop
Michael Centre, Melbourne
with Robert Powell - 28th September to 2nd October 2020
Download a pamphlet by clicking on the image below. You may also register online here.

The workshop, which includes eurythmy to music, is titled:
The Descent of Christ to Shambhala
Evening celebrations:
Tuesday: The Seven Last Words from the Cross in Preparation for the Descent into Shambhala Thursday: The Journey of the Soul into Incarnation
‘Sophia’ refers to the spiritual being indicated through such works as those of Vladimir Solovyov, Rudolf Steiner, Sergei Bulgakov, Valentin Tomberg, and Pavel Florensky.
The main activities of Sophia Australis include participation and workshops in ChoreoCosmos, presentations on aspects of the Divine Sophia, as well as periodic activities consistent with the object of the association as outlined in our Constitution, which is to:
cultivate a deeper understanding of Divine Wisdom, integrating philosophy, religion, science and the arts;
create a vessel for a path to Sophia through study, dance, eurythmy, anthroposophy, prayer, meditation, and community celebration;
serve Divine Sophia by engaging in creative activities which seek to express Divine Love;
publically represent and encourage any of the above in publications, events and practices.
